Personal Shopping

RANGING IN PRICE FROM $100.00 - $200.00


Are you completely overwhelmed when it comes to beauty products? Trying to follow along on YouTube, but leaving more confused than before you pressed play? Amen. Me too.

Beauty and skin care products can get expensive if you’re purchasing items only to dislike them when you try them for yourself. Ready online review and trusting someone’s HG product (read: HG = holy grail) does not mean it will work for you! So let’s stop playing follow the leader :)

With our Personal Shopping service, we will help to declutter your current product selection and shop for the products that will work for YOU!

Once you have completed this service, you will be able to shop for cosmetics with confidence.



This is the perfect introductory class to all of our other Online Makeup Classes. Please note, there is no lesson included in Personal Shopping sessions.


You will receive a much more detailed list of requirements once your Online Makeup Classes is confirmed, but here's a general list of what is needed:

  • This is a hands-on experience and needs to take place where there is a lot of counter space and a lot of natural light (hint: kitchen tables work great!).

  • Either a computer, tablet/iPad or smartphone will work for the lesson. Just be sure your device has decent camera/video capabilities, and ensure you have a strong internet connection, so the feed and resolution is as clear as possible.

  • As with all of our makeup class (in-person and virtual), please be prepared with all of your makeup and clean makeup brushes.

  • Have a vanity mirror on a stand handy to place on the table to keep your hands-free.

  • A notepad and pen/pencil to make notes and shopping lists (trust me, there will be lots!)

  • And lastly, you must be ready to practice and learn! It’ll be fun - promise!